1 |
1001 Periodic Table of Elements Quiz Questions |
http://www.1001-periodic-table-quiz-questions.com/ |
1300 free science and chemistry questions per age and topic for school,
college and university students |
2 |
- Visual
Elements |
http://www.chemsoc.org/viselements/pages/page3.html |
is a visual arts and science collaborative project supported by the
Royal Society of Chemistry which aims to explore and reflect upon the
diversity of elements that comprise matter in as unique and innovative
manner as possible. |
3 |
Al Kimia - Química Pura! |
https://members.tripod.com/alkimia/ |
sítio com uma abordagem diversificada à química. |
4 |
http://www.terravista.pt/nazare/2001/index.html |
a INTERNET como forma de divulgar o trabalho de pesquisa que efectuámos
no âmbito do nosso projecto de área escola. Somos alunos do 9º D da
Escola Secundária Dr. Ginestal Machado de Santarém, e esta pesquisa
foi efectuada nas aulas de Ciências Físico-Químicas e em alguns dos
nossos (poucos) tempos livres... |
5 |
Chem4Kids.com |
http://www.chem4kids.com/ |
you're asking, what is CHEMISTRY? Well...here's our best
definition. Chemistry is the study of MATTER and the changes that
take place with that matter. Don't ask us why that matters. It just
does. A lot. Everything on Earth, everything in our solar system,
everything in our galaxy, and everything in the universe is made up of
matter. Matter is the name scientists have given to everything that you
can touch, or see, or feel, or smell. Go take a look! |
6 |
Chemistry for Life |
http://www.chemforlife.org/ |
more about the fascinating world of chemistry, visit the Virtual Gallery,
do online experiments, view exciting films about the global themes of
chemistry. |
7 |
- Chemicals |
http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/chemicals/index.htm |
sítio electrónico, da Comissão Europeia, sobre legislação e
regulamentos relativos a produtos químicos e seu manuseamento. |
8 |
- Periodic Table of Elements |
http://klbproductions.com/yogi/periodic/ |
data on elements including scores of properties, element names in many
languages and most known nuclides is provided by this periodic table. In
addition environmental and chemistry articles round out this site. |
9 |
Fun!Fun!Chem! |
http://library.thinkquest.org/10429/high/cool/coolbody.htm |
to Fun!Fun!Chem!, the virtual playground of our ChemWeb. Think of it as
recess time and get ready to play with our assortment of chemistry toys!
As it goes with ChemWeb, where there is learning there is fun, and this
section is no exception to that unbroken rule. We have a virtual
chemistry lab in 3d VRML, tons of exciting real video experiments, and
an updatable chemistry joke section. |
10 |
History of Chemistry |
http://www.chemistrycoach.com/history_of_chemistry.htm# |
sítio sobre a história da Química, com biografias de químicos,
textos on-line e links. |

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