1 |
World Service |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/index.shtml |
página da BBC dedicada à aprendizagem e ao ensino da língua inglesa. |
2 |
English as a Second Language |
http://www.rong-chang.com/ |
starting point for ESL learners who want to learn English through the
Web. Many people have created ESL learning materials for the Web. This
site links you to those good and free ESL places. The variety of
materials will allow you to choose something appropriate for yourself. |
3 |
English Interacting |
http://www.malhatlantica.pt/interacting/ |
up your classroom's computer to the Internet does not automatically mean
that you've accomplished a pedagogic task. It is becoming increasingly
more imperative to stimulate the interactive dialogue between teachers
and learners and other members of the community who also have an
interest in the school, precisely because it is a basic condition for
fully exercising citizenship. In this way, it may enhance awareness on
the part of all those engaged in education about the need to bring
interactive communication technology (ICT) into the School. |
4 |
http://www.viavale.com.br/english/ |
de debates sobre aprendizado de línguas, voltado ao inglês. Equipe
internacional de professores responde qualquer pergunta. Materiais de
ensino inéditos baseados em lingüística comparada. Tudo sobre Second
Language Acquisition. Orientações sobre estudos no exterior. |
5 |
englishpractice.com |
http://www.englishpractice.com/ |
has more than 40,000 lessons to study from. We suggest you start with
our weekly lessons and also try some of our permanent lessons. |
6 |
Answers |
http://www.gcse.com/ |
serviço on-line que ajuda os estudantes do Reino Unido a prepararem-se
para os exames relativos à língua e literatura inglesas. |
7 |
GlobeNext |
http://library.thinkquest.org/50033/ |
Julius Caesar is one of the most widely taught of Shakespeare's
plays, few students have an opportunity to attend a live performance and
interact with actors and directors. Globenext brings the classroom into
contact with outstanding theatre professionals who share their insights
on this timeless classic. |
8 |
http://www.awl-elt.com/dictionaries/ |
jogos, planos de aula e exercícios, para serem utilizados no âmbito da
aprendizagem da língua inglesa. |
9 |
Learn English - British Council |
http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/welcome_portugues.html |
English é um site de acesso livre que o ajudará a melhorar o seu inglês.
Learn English é-lhe oferecido pelo British Council, a organização
internacional britânica para as relações educacionais e culturais.
Este site tem actividades e orientação para Crianças [Kids] (8 - 12
anos), Jovens [Teenagers] (13 - 19 anos) e Adultos [Adults]. |
10 |
MontagePlus |
http://www.montageplus.co.uk/ |
is a diverse educational programme of Internet-based curriculum projects,
Professional development activities, Educational exchange and resource
development, using the latest information communication technology (ICT)
for teaching and learning. |

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