11 |
Human Rights Internet - A Human Rights Gateway |
http://www.hri.ca/ |
directório que permite aceder e procurar na internet recursos e
materiais educativos no âmbito dos direitos humanos e da defesa
destes. |
12 |
Human Rights Watch |
http://www.hrw.org/ |
Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people
around the world. We stand with victims and activists to prevent
discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from
inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice. |
13 |
IGC Internet's Progressive Gateway |
http://www.igc.org/igc/gateway/index.html |
a project of Tides, IGC
shares the vision to actively promote change toward a healthy society,
one which is founded on principals of social justice, broadly shared
economic opportunity, a robust democratic process, and sustainable
environmental practices. We believe healthy societies rely fundamentally
on respect for individual rights, the vitality of communities, and a
celebration of diversity. |
14 |
IIE - Documentos -
Direitos Humanos |
http://www.iie.min-edu.pt/documentos/dudh/index.htm |
página, construída por ocasião do 50º aniversário da DUDH, continua
agora para celebrar a Década das Nações Unidas para a Educação
em matéria de Direitos Humanos. |
15 |
Index on Censorship |
http://www.indexoncensorship.org/ |
on Censorship, the bi-monthly magazine for free speech, widens the
debates on freedom of expression with some of the world's best writers.
Through interviews, reportage, banned literature and polemic, Index
shows how free speech affects the issues of the moment. |
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La Ciudad de la Diferencia |
http://www.pntic.mec.es/pagtem/babel/ |
exposição virtual sob o tema da diferença. |
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Mi Maior |
http://www.mimaior.pt/ |
Projecto "Com as Minorias" tem como objectivo primordial a
aproximação dos imigrantes à Sociedade de Informação. Está
integrado no Programa Cidades Digitais, criado pelo Ministério da Ciência
e Tecnologia, que se destina a apoiar acções no quadro da Sociedade de
Informação. |
18 |
PLAN International |
http://www.plan-international.org/ |
during the Spanish Civil War in 1937, PLAN International is one of the
largest child-focused non-profit development organisations. Aiding
deprived children in developing countries, PLAN International is
non-political and has no religious affiliations. |
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Revolução em WWW - 25 anos depois os jovens participam |
http://www.cyber25.pt/25abril/ |
projecto Revolução em WWW, em desenvolvimento progressivo de
Abril de 99 a Abril do ano 2000, vem disponibilizar conteúdos e
dinamizar actividades em redor do 25 de Abril junto da população
juvenil, como forma de levar os jovens a uma melhor compreensão da
importância deste acontecimento e a viver o espírito de mudança,
festa e liberdade que marcou a revolução dos cravos. Para isso o nosso
trabalho está a ser desenvolvido em estreita ligação com as escolas,
através de actividades de dinamização da rede nas quais os jovens se
têm envolvido activamente. |
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S.T.O.P. |
http://www.anti-slavery.org/stop/ |
S.T.O.P. was
founded in 1998 by a fifth-grade class in Denver that wanted to take
action on behalf of children now held as chattel slaves in the Sudan.
The students were in the middle of a history unit on American slavery
when they learned that black people were still slaves in the Sudan --
especially boys and girls their own age. The S.T.O.P. campaign has
helped raise over $70,000 and free over 2,000 slaves. The class'
teacher, Barbara Vogel, has also spoken before hundreds of teachers and
educators about what students can do in the fight against modern day
chattel slavery. Classes and schools across the country have now
launched abolitionist campaigns of their own. |

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