BBC Education Evolution |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/darwin/index.shtml |
sítio da BBC dedicado à vida, obra e actualidade do pensamento de
Charles Darwin. |
2 |
Interactive Time Line |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/history/games/rocky/indexfull.html |
evolução geológica da Terra e a deriva dos continentes. É dada
particular atenção à evolução bio-geológica na Grã-Bretanha,
através dos registos fósseis até hoje descobertos. |
3 |
http://cvs.anu.edu.au/andy/beye/beyehome.html |
you ever wondered how other creatures see the world? Here you can find
out. Well, at least you can find out how HONEY BEES see the world. Well,
let's say you can find out what we THINK the world looks like to a bee. |
4 |
- VRML Biology |
http://www.bioanim.com/ |
cell, Tissue and Human Body - interactive animated atlas of structure
and function. |
5 |
BioTech |
http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/ |
BioTech procura divulgar e tornar acessível os conhecimentos de
biologia e de química. O seu público alvo abarca desde
estudantes do ensino secundário a investigadores profissionais. |
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Bugscope |
http://bugscope.beckman.uiuc.edu/ |
is a new educational outreach project of the World
Wide Laboratory. The primary goal of the Bugscope project is to
demonstrate that relatively low cost, sustainable access to a scanning
electron microscope can be made available to K-12 classrooms. |
7 |
alive! |
http://www.cellsalive.com/ |
quietly celebrates the Web's real miracle: giving all of us access to
amazing worlds we would never see otherwise " - TIME Digital
June 24, 1996 |
8 |
Characteristics of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes |
http://esg-www.mit.edu:8001/esgbio/cb/prok_euk.html |
are two general classes of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
The evolution of prokaryotic cells preceded that of eukaryotic cells by
2 billion years... |
9 |
Didáctica da Biologia |
http://www.bionet.ua.pt/ |
"site" foi criado com o intuito de poder vir a ajudar os
alunos universitários que em breve virão a ser professores de
Biologia/Geologia nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. |
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Genetic Science Learning Center |
http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/ |
people understand how genetics affects their lives and society. Develop
innovative genetics curriculum for teachers, students, families, and the
public and publish it on the GSLC website. Public programs on genetics
for parents and kids, genetic disease support groups, judges, and
business and community leaders. |

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