1 |
Absolut Connection |
http://www.absolutad.com/ |
you will find all the information you would ever want or need to know
about Absolut Vodka ad collecting. |
2 |
Institute of Graphic Arts |
http://www.aiga.org/ |
purpose of the AIGA is to further excellence in communication design as
a broadly defined discipline, strategic tool for business and cultural
force. The AIGA is the place design professionals turn to first to
exchange ideas and information, participate in critical analysis and
research and advance education and ethical practice. |
3 |
Artcyclopedia The Guide to Museum-Quality Art on the Internet |
http://www.artcyclopedia.com/ |
mission is to become the definitive and most effective guide to
museum-quality fine art on the Internet. We have now indexed 700
leading arts sites, and offer more than 24,000 links directly to
an estimated 80,000 works by 7,000 different artists. |
4 |
Capitolium.org -
Rome, Italy |
http://www.capitolium.org/ |
archaeological site of the Imperial Forums, one of the largest areas in
the world where digging, research and studies are still under way. It is
here that the Roman civilisation began and evolved throughout the
centuries. |
5 |
Colour my
World! |
http://library.thinkquest.org/25782/ |
arte e a ciência das cores. Um projecto interactivo desenvolvido por
três alunos de Singapura, Holanda e EUA. |
6 |
digital studies being in cyberspace |
http://altx.com/ds/ |
revista digital com trabalhos em exibição. |
7 |
E A R T H F R O M A B O V E |
http://home.fujifilm.com/efa/ |
FROM ABOVE on the web' and the photographs of Yann ARTHUS-BERTRAND. |
8 |
Graffitis |
http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/cadeiras/ciberjornalismo/ciber2000/graffitis/ |
Secreto, Ilegal, Rebelde e Provocador, o Graffiti
é uma arte. Uma arte moderna que exige partilha, fusão e estreitamento
de laços de camaradagem e amizade. Muitos não vêm esta arte com bons
olhos, outros não vivem um dia sem deixar a sua marca nas inúmeras
paredes e muros das cidades. |
9 |
Luminous-Landscape |
http://www.luminous-landscape.com/ |
página sobre fotografia de paisagens. Exibições on-line. |
10 |
Masters of Photography |
http://www.masters-of-photography.com/ |
dos mestres da fotografia. Em exibição. |

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