11 |
Educação Ambiental |
http://www.educacaoambiental.pt/ |
projecto foi criado com o objectivo de dar a conhecer todos os projectos
e recursos e permitir a reflexão acerca da situação da Educação
Ambiental no nosso país. |
12 |
- Environmental Education - Teacher Resources |
http://www.blm.gov/education/teacher.html |
Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency within the U.S. Department of
the Interior, administers 264 million acres of America's public lands,
located primarily in 12 Western States. |
13 |
EPA's Indoor Air Quality Hotlines |
http://www.epa.gov/docs/iaq/iaqinfo.html |
IAQ INFO is an easily accessible, central source of information
on indoor air quality, created and supported by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA). As concern about air pollution indoors has
grown, so has the amount of information on this subject; but getting
current, useful information can be a challenging task. The purpose of
the IAQ INFO is to help you locate information to answer your
questions about indoor air pollution. |
14 |
Education for a Sustainable Future |
http://csf.concord.org/esf/ |
development involves complex, interdisciplinary issues that would be
impossible to bring to precollege education without technology. Using an
educational strategy based on student inquiry, we will use a mix of
existing general purpose software tools and three exciting new tools
developed specifically to help students visualize and explore possible
futures. |
15 |
European Environment Agency |
http://www.eea.eu.int/ |
gateway to environmental information.
Maintained by the European Environment Agency and
EIONET partners. |
16 |
GEO-2000 Global Environment
Outlook |
http://www.unep.org/Geo2000/ |
is the culmination of a participatory process involving the work of
experts from more than 100 countries. Our goal... is that by the turn of
the century a truly global participatory assessment process may be in
operation to keep under review the state of the world's environment, as
well as to guide international policy setting. |
17 |
Green School Project |
http://www.ase.org/greenschools/ |
Green Schools program helps schools use energy efficiently through
building retrofits, changes in operational and maintenance routines, and
changes in the behavior of building users. Students, teachers,
custodians, administrators, and community partners all work together
toward a common goal--saving energy and money. |
18 |
Greenpeace International |
http://www.greenpeace.org/ |
e acção são os pontos centrais deste sítio do movimento Greenpeace. |
19 |
Warming - Understanding the Forecast |
http://www.edf.org/pubs/Brochures/GlobalWarming/ |
Warming: Understanding the Forecast
was developed by the Environmental Defense Fund and the American Museum
of Natural History. A complete on-line, interactive version of the
exhibition is only a click away. |
20 |
Jane Goodall Institute |
http://www.janegoodall.org/ |
Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education and
Conservation, a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, was founded in
California by Jane Goodall in cooperation with Princess Genevieve di San
Faustino in 1977. The Jane Goodall Institute advances the power of
individuals to take informed and compassionate action to improve the
environment of all living things. |
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